Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Prompt #29 Never...bring donuts to a deposition

For today's prompt, I want you to title your poems "Never (blank)" with you filling in the blank with a word or phrase. Then, write a poem based off your title, which could be "Never look both ways when crossing the street" or "Never blush in public" or "Never ever" or "Never write a poem with the word never in the title." You get the idea, right?

Never bring donuts to a deposition

unless you’re a witness for the opposition
and you don’t agree with their position
and figure you can recondition
the lawyers who are feeling imposition
for a lady with a sullied reputation
after loosing her well earned commission
from the territory that was given her, in contradiction
to the claims of the plaintiff in the petition.
But if you want the inquisition
to become and intervention
to guarantee the rights of independent sales associations
then surly do bring donuts to the deposition.

5/1/2009 1:41:00 AM #728