Friday, April 03, 2009

Prompt #3 The Problem with Fire and Brimstone

Today's prompt: Take the phrase "The problem with (blank)" and replace the "(blank)" with a word or phrase. Make this the title of your poem and then write a poem to fit with or juxtapose against that title. For instance, you could have poems with the titles of "The problem with government," "The problem with advanced mathematics," or "The problem with bipolar penguins." You know the drill: have fun, be creative.

The Problem with Fire and Brimstone

Go back thousands of years- to Lot
in the center of the navel, alchemy
on the fringes, and Exxon Mobile
standing on the diving board, ready
to plunge into a climate pocked by scientific
enthusiasm. But even if the sulfuric promise
arrives tomorrow, haven’t we taken electrons
apart, seen into the molten past and future?
Organic chemicals have their uses,
but where is God’s wrath?

#395 at 3:57:5