Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prompt #19 Buzz Kill

Day 19 I apologize for the problem some people were having yesterday with posting their poems. I think it is fixed now, because I was just able to successfully leave a comment on Day 18.

Perhaps appropriately, today's prompt is to write an angry poem. That is, a poem about someone or something that gets angry. Could be a person, animal, or even them there angry clouds. As usual, I'm excited to see which unexpected directions y'all take with this prompt.

Buzz Kill

He picks me up at the airport
we say what we have to say
then he starts telling me
about the show he saw
about how the orcas are disappearing
PCB’s are in the food chain
and chicken shit is in the Chesapeake
I start thinking maybe we are just a cancer
growing across the planet
I’ve been looking down at tumors
spreading out their tentacles
now I want to die
so I don’t have be part of the carnage
what a way to kill the buzz
of a perfectly good holiday

4/25/2009 1:32:19 AM #744